With our service PSD to HTML we convert your uploaded PSD, Illustrator or Indesign file to SEO friendly and cross-browser compatible (x)HTML/CSS code. With slicing, also known as the term basing, you enable your graphic design to be usable for web browsers.

PSD slicing to HTML, xHTML or HTML5?
In case you outsource a PSD to HTML project to us, you will first be asked for the Doctype of your choice when uploading your PSD file. You can choose to have your PSD file converted to either HTML5, xHTML Strict or xHTML Transitional.
Strict or transitional xHTML
xHTML slicing consists out of traditional HTML4 structure combined with markup from XML. The main difference between xHTML Transitional and xHTML strict is the way you are bound to the proper use of syntax. With xHTML Strict you must for example strictly follow the closing tags or errors will emerge. If you would like to alter our conversion in a later stage, it is safer to choose for Transitional or HTML5.
The chosen doctype has no effect on the web browser, provided that you followed the rules regarding the chosen schema. Therefore, you cannot use HTML5 elements in your source code when you have an xHTML doctype. These elements are just not recognized.
HTML5 slicing
HTML5 slicings are the most complete variant from which you can choose as most new techniques are directly implemented in the language. It can be seen as a combination of HTML and xHTML as it consists of functionalities of both.
HTML5 is further meant to ensure more structure within the text. For example, by adding <section> tags search engines can better read text which it consist. Furthermore, <nav> elements can be used to provide search engines that some sort of navigation is used for users to browse the website. All these HTML5 elements are used to tell the search engine how your website is structured and which parts are important. <header> and <footer> are herein important elements.
PSD to HTML5 specialists
A correct conversion from your PSD to HTML5 code is not an easy task for most web developers. To fully benefit from a proper HTML5 slicing it is of great concern that you deal with professionals only. Only then can you benefit from all its advantages. It is therefore wise to choose for our PSD to HTML5 slicing as to make sure you are getting all the advantages that HTML5 has to offer.
Some of our big clients?
One of our distinctive characteristics are the high quality slicing, with or without CMS implementation, and super fast delivery. Our highly skilled team of slicers delivers not only Search Engine Optimized code but care is also taken of the logical structure thereof. Our hard work and dedication have resulted in an extensive and varied portfolio with a wide range of customers. Below you will find just a small sample of our extensive client base for whom we performed PSD-slicing.